
comunicazione: sono stata selezionata per uno stage internazionale presso lo studio Moshe Safdie a Gerusalemme nei mesi di agosto e settembre 2007.

il progetto:


Il Politecnico di Milano è socio dal 2001 dell'Associazione IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchage of Students for Technical Experience ) di cui fanno parte circa 80 paesi di tutti i continenti. IAESTE promuove la mobilità degli studenti attraverso stage all'estero di durata variabile, da poche settimane a più di sei mesi, presso aziende o istituti di ricerca. Tutti gli stage offerti prevedono un rimborso spese che permette di coprire almeno il costo della vita nel paese ospitante. L'associazione IAESTE si occupa di trovare l'alloggio per il tirocinante e, nella maggior parte dei casi, di organizzare attività sociali. Gli stage IAESTE sono in linea di principio rivolti a tutti gli studenti del Politecnico di Milano. In taluni casi possono essere considerate le candidature di neolaureati dell'Ateneo.

lo studio d'architettura:

Moshe Safdie, Gene Dyer, Isaac Franco, Rainer Goeller, Paul Gross, Michael Guran, Irit Kohavi, Warren Mathison, Hugh Phillips, Toshihiko Taketomo
7 Schlomo Hamelech
Jerusalum, 94182 Israel
Voice Phone: 972-2-625-1471
Fax Phone: 972-2-625-4679
Web Site:


Moshe Safdie (come da wiki)

La sua attività a gerusalemme:

Beginning with commissions for a rabbinical college and a master plan for the courtyard area surrounding the Western Wall, Moshe Safdie starts to develop a reputation in his homeland. An ability to connect past and present in a meaningful way quickly win him more work. In this CBC Easter special, Safdie reflects on the challenges and consequences of building in Jerusalem, noting that to build successfully in this very sacred and historic area requires humility and an ability to handle politics and controversy.

• In 1970 Safdie opened an office in Jerusalem and began working on projects there.
• According to Time magazine, by 1974 Safdie had 13 projects in Israel worth more than $300 million, prompting one colleague to call him "the greatest builder in Israel since King Herod."

• In 1976 Safdie was commissioned to build the Yad Vashem Children's Holocaust Memorial. Visitors to this powerful memorial descend from daylight to enter a darkened underground chamber in which the light of a single candle is reflected infinitely in all directions.
• Safdie was later commissioned to build the Yad Vashem Transport Memorial and then their new historical museum, scheduled to open in 2005.

• According to the New Yorker, the Punjab chief minister was moved to tears by his experience of the Children's Memorial at Yad Vashem. He asked to meet the architect, and when Safdie visited the next day he was offered the commission for the Sikh heritage museum, a building of tremendous significance.
• The Khalsa Heritage Memorial celebrates 500 years of Sikh history, and is being built on 75 acres in the holy city of Anandpur Sahib. It is supposed to be completed in 2005.

• Other significant projects in Israel include numerous schools, private residences, kibbutz housing and the vast Mamilla Centre, a 28 acre mixed-use complex in the former no man's land between Israel and Jordan.
• Safdie is also responsible for the master plan of the new city of Modi'in. Construction began in 1993, and in 2001 Modi'in was declared a city. As of 2004, this satellite residential city had a population of 51,000. It is expected to reach a population of 200,000 in the future.

la testimonianza: cy denney

(un'americana che è stata in italia e in cina)

1 commento:

ricardinho ha detto...

che storia!!