
mi fanno notare che è molto tempo che non scrivo cose inutili e molto personali su questo blog: provvedo subito.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Roi is the
French word for

ROI or Roi may refer to:

Region of interest, for example in image analysis
Roi-Namur, an island in the Marshall Islands
Republic of Ireland
Republic of India
Residue on ignition, in analytical chemistry a song by The Breeders
Return on Interest, in Accounting
Return on Investment, in Marketing
Release of Information, in Health Information Management

questo apre nuove interpretazioni della mia identità.


thanx to Manos

Archetipo Materno

This is the mother-love which is one of the most moving and unforgettable memories of our lives, the mysterious root of all growth and change; the love that means homecoming, shelter, and the long silence from which everything begins and in which everything ends. Intimately known and yet strange like Nature, lovingly tender and yet cruel like fate, joyous and untiring giver of life--mater dolorosa and mute implacable portal that closes upon the dead. Mother is mother-love, my experience and my secret. Why risk saying too much, too much that is false and inadequate and beside the point, about that human being who was our mother, the accidental carrier of that great experience which includes herself and myself and all mankind, and indeed the whole of created nature, the experience of life whose children we are? The attempt to say these things has always been made, and probably always will be; but a sensitive person cannot in all fairness load that enormous burden of meaning, responsibility, duty, heaven and hell, on to the shoulders of one frail and fallible human being--so deserving of love, indulgence, understanding, and forgiveness--who was our mother. He knows that the mother carries for us that inborn image of the mater natura and mater spiritualis, of the totality of life of which we are a small and helpless part.
Jung, C. G. (1969).
Four archetypes: Mother/rebirth/spirit/trickster
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Madre Terra

un aspetto iconografico che mi piaceva analizzare è quello della divinità legata alla terra, in diverse culture legata alla donna. sono sculture, evidentemente, ma mi sembrava potessero dare delle indicazioni sulle forme tipicamente associate allafemminilità.

la mia risposta

you were so precious. really.
my research: that's a hard deal.
i am researching what is female in architecture, that is to say in spaces, colours, textures, volumes.
of course, if you say that a garden is more female than a fountain, that matters to me. but here lays the rub:i need to have a "proof" of it. someone saying it (in a book or else), or a long explaination of why. :S
i have now clear what the aim of such a research might be. it enlarges the field of action. :D
some might think that my aim is to make every space female; instead, i can explain that the aim is (like you said) to make everybody feel comfortable in each space, having defined male spaces, female spaces, neutral ones.


l'ennesimo post sul femminile (mi chiedo se ne verrò mai a capo).
attualmente sto leggendo un libro che si chiama "spazio e immaginario", con sottotitolo maschile e femminile in architettura. di un'autrice che appena ritrovo il libro provvederò a scrivere.
intanto, posto qui l'ultima mail mandatami da Katey (CS), che ha svolto una ricerca sul femminile in sociologia, e si approccia adesso alla progettazione di architettura.

Hello Oriella,

Eventually I have managed to organise myself to some
point in which I am able to construct a contribution
to your thread which I found most interesting in
relation to my own project.
You asked around my work so I shall try and briefly
explain, however I must point out that I am not
schooled as an architect! merely a sociologist
attempting to bridge the gap so I ask if my sources or
concepts seem simplistic please excuse me:
My project works at attempting to order the city as a
gendered space full of gendered experiences, in which
architecture would play a huge part along with urban
design and constructing functional spaces in which
people live and move around in. To me if we are able
to see the urban environment as a gendered space it
would be plausable to develop more equal, gender
neutral spaces in which experience could be derived
which was in no way discriminatory.

This project has been so far conducted in London and
has involved an examination of old/new architecture,
the purpose and use of decorative freizes alongside
its contemporary counterpart advertisements and other
commercial spaces, the use of nature has also played a
huge part in attempting to gender space as through my
research I have constantly encountered a history of
the 'Mother Earth' concept, and this has stuck with me
when developing my thoughts on the subject.

So far the use of nature in design and in architecture
i.e. more organic forms like the 'flow' in the work of
Zaha Hadid has been a pronounced feature for me, which
is encorporating the feminine/nature dichotomy. But
also the incorporation of green spaces as tools to
neutralize and balance urban environments seems to be
a common technique.

Ultimatly my work seems to balance around a
relationship which appears feminist in the sense it is
examining the balance of gender power but this is an
area that I do not really care to digress into. I hope
instead to simply examine gender as a concept like
race, or class which occurs as an obstacle in most
walks of life, maybe it can be summed up in a very
abstract sense in which a space/building can be made
more neutral and less masculine in style by the
presence of natural forms/textures/substances/and
Please let me know how this would relate to your own
project, and if so any commentary would provide
insightful feedback.
Take Care!

P.S I will collect a reading list for you soon but
would initially reccomend
Richard Sennett, Fesh and
for an introductory sociological work. For a
more Feminist work if you are that way inclined maybe
Dolores Hayden, Is female to male as nature is to
culture? which talks of more family based design
alongside the role of nature.


Hi Oriella

There are actually three books by Alexander and his team; the first is called a Timeless Way of Building, I've not read it, but I think it lays out his view on what makes architecture 'timeless' as opposed to 'modern' or 'classical'.

I don't know how important it is to read because all the best stuff is in the second book; A Pattern Language.

Each 'Pattern' is a short description of a problem or conflict involving the built environment/society, followed by an argument for the particular solution. The solution is defined as a principle which should be adheared to, but implemented in whatever ways the context and participants decide.

The patterns start from a regional scale, becoming smaller in focus, right down to suggestions for materials and methods of construction. They are written in order to re-inforce each other, supporting and overlaping each other in different ways for different design projects; such as city centre planning, or a house for a family. In this way the patterns can be swapped and reordered like a language. Each pattern is graded according to the authors idea of wheather is absolutely vital or more of a hunch that feels good.

I'll give you a few examples. (although my problem here is that when I describe a pattern it will sound really dull, but believe me it is a beautifully written and illustrated book that touches me every time I open it).

Some of the patterns suggest forms that are so simple and obvious and yet are alien in most modern design, like the appropriate size of a public square, the need for low walls instead of benches for people who want to linger but not commit themsleves to acctual sitting, the need for water features that people can put their feet into and children can play in.

Other patterns say something about society, such as the need for places for young people to hang out and for old people to hang out that overlap and bring them together. And the need for fittness centres to be combined with hospitals so that health and sick centres are not separated.

There is one pattern called The Marrige Bed. It says that the bed of a couple should not be bought from Ikea and plonked into the biggest bedroom, but rather the bed itself should be made by the couple and the room shaped around it.
Windows should not be drawn on the plan, but rather placed during construction so that the view is 'just right'. Rooms should have some built-in seats, because they feel good.

There are also practical patterns that deal with details but I can't think of them now.

I think there is a website with a list of the patterns but they wont mean anything without the content. The book is expensive but its worth it. And there is always the library.

The third book is called the Oregon Experiment, which documents the architect's application of the pattern language in designing and building a universtity campus. I haven't read that either. But its more about the process he went though, and I think if you have the second book then you will just create your own process.

In a posting above Matt said that Alexander's background was in Game theory or something. As a system it may be applied to other fields but I don't think that adds or subtracts anything from the potential of using the pattern language to create more humane environments. The book is all about architecture, but its written for everyone, and its quite radically against the orthodoxies of the construction industry.

To be honest you will have to buy it to believe it.



il post originale lo potete trovare su sosteniamoci: disegno del territorio#2
il contenuto era questo:

Concetto di pattern-language
A pattern language is a structured method of describing good design practices within a particular domain. It is characterized byNoticing and naming the common problems in a field of interest,Describing the key characteristics of effective solutions for meeting some stated goal,Helping the designer move from problem to problem in a logical way, and>Allowing for many different paths through the design process.

Pattern languages are used to formalize decision-making values whose effectiveness becomes obvious with experience but that are difficult to document and pass on to novices. They are also effective tools in structuring knowledge and understanding of fundamentally complex systems without forcing oversimplification -- including organizing people or groups involved in complex undertakings, revealing how their functions inter-relate as part of the larger whole.

esempio in architettura:
* "Arcades - covered walkways at the edge of buildings, which are partly inside, partly outside-play a vital role in the way that people interact with buildings"

Followed by a description of the pattern and cross-reference to smaller component patterns (columns, roof, ceiling height) and larger patterns that form a context for this element (connections between buildings, etc.).

a proposito di pattern language

giusto l'altro giorno ho postato su sosteniamoci uno stralcio della definizione di questo "stile di progettazione" ammesso che così possa essere definito, ed ecco che mi arriva in casella di posta uno scritto sul forum Architecture di CouchSurfing

Matt Dravich posted this message to: architecture

always happy to hear people reading alexander!
he just published a new four volume book, which
appearently attempts to order everything, its not in
any of the librarys in vienna yet, and costs waaay
too much for me to buy, but if anyone has read it, i
would be interested in hearing about it. if your
interested in "participative architecture" you should
really have a look at jeremy till, who looks at it
from a more anthropological (or enthnographic)
standing. a friend of alexander named salingros ( or
something like that) just published a book (2004?)
called anti architecture and deconstructionism. rather
then a real offereing of alternitives it is more an
attack on current trends and mentality around
architecture, i think a lot of his logic is distintly
flawed (as well as at points having somewhat religous
overtones) but i still highly recomend it as an all
too rare alternitive view point.
as far as the actual use of patterns, i think this is
a bit of a simplified approach, alexanders backround
is in game theory to a large extent, and to generate
an outcome the imput must be limited by definition,
and that is simply not the way the world is, it is
infinitely complex. also his patteren theory has
limited goals as to the generation of the new, so in a
way the fundamental idea (for me) is a little stagnent.
when salingros attacks the disruption to society of
current architectural trends, he implies that
disruption is naturally unhealthy... and that seams a
little diffinitive for me... maybe i have just had to
much coffee...

strano come tutto torni. in definitiva, devo dare un occhio a questo Pattern language, ma soprattutto capire come si applica all'architettura. (okay, definisce i ruoli di ogni elemento, but then?

viva zapatero

okay, sono un po' in ritardo. ma ho trovato il film (diviso per capitoli, 8) su you tube, e lo segnalo per quelli che se lo fossero perso.
capitolo 1

perché si può.


Reduce debt. If you can't pay cash, don't buy it.
Practice being mindful about what you buy and why.

Do it yourself. Grow food, pick berries, can and
preserve food, make wine, bake bread. Make or repair
clothes, furniture, and gifts. Create your own
entertainment. Walk, bike, run, or play basketball
instead of joining a fitness club.

Share & Exchange. Take care of neighbor kids and
elders. Play music, sing, act in local theater, write
poems, hold art shows. Exchange haircuts for
applesauce, bike repair for massage, language tutoring
for babysitting.

Reduce waste & pollution. Weatherize your home or
apartment. Reduce your car usage, or get rid of a

Buy local. Run buy-local campaigns, print stickers,
publish or post a directory of local businesses.
Acknowledge business owners who foster the well-being
of the environment, employees, and the whole
community. Convert public funds from luring outside
corporations to supporting local businesses.

Start a new local business. Start a food market, credit
union, wifi network, or even an electricity co-op.
Explore ownership options like cooperatives,
nonprofits, for-profits, or single proprietorships.

Buy Fair Traded when you buy imports. Vote with your
dollar for a better world for all.

from : YESmagazine